Our nation has had a contract which we support, defend and protect everyday. It's something we Americans have done for the last 226 years. Yep, today is the 226th anniversary of the signing of our Constitution.
While I don't have any ancestors who signed the Constitution, I do have on both my maternal and paternal bloodlines patriots who have fought and died for America since the Revolution. I was thinking of today being Constitution Day and it occurred to me that every generation of my family has served America since the founding of our great land.
What do you know about the Constitution? Have you read it or studied since you were in high school or college? I am still amazed that the 55 delegates from the newly formed 13 states were able to debate, argue, and compromise over that long, hot summer in Philadelphia so many years ago. What they penned and what the 39 delegates who signed the Constitution did is so incredible. We have the longest surviving Constitution and the shortest in the world. Amazing.
Since I can't claim any genealogy fame to any signer of the Constitution, I guess I'll just have to thank those men who did sign it. Perhaps, I'll shout "Happy Constitution Day" to all I see today and then sit down and see what military records I can find on my beloved and brave soldiers and sailors in my bloodline. Seems fitting.
Just in case you need a fun fact about the Constitution-- The original Constitution (without the 27 amendments added at later dates) had something like 4400 words. Only one word is misspelled. Can you guess it? The state it was penned in--- Pennsylvania.
Ahh, genealogy. Gotta love it while we support, defend and protect our nation- one generation at a time.
©AS Eldredge, 2013
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