St Clair Cemetery, Mt Lebanon, Allegheny Co, PA

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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Dreaming of Jeanne Who Knows Henry Family

What a great comment some kind Jeanne left for me on a previous post from 2007 on Ashmen Cooke HENRY. Click here to read more of "Gotcha" from October 2007.

Jeanne tells me who Ashmen married and who his kids were. Ok. You've got my attention now. Yes, he did have five children with Anna and one more with Susan.

Since I wrote the "Gotcha", I have received grave photos of Ashmen and his family as well as some more info on him. Ashmen was the mayor of Oakland, CA, in 1884.

But-- what more can Jeanne tell me? Can I say "howdy, cuz"? Is she a descendant? If so, I reckon she comes from either Anna or Walter.

As for me, Ashmen's father, Samuel, was the older brother of my 3g grandfather who was born, lived and died in Allegheny Co, PA, at the old family homestead.

Dreamin' that Jeanne will contact me again so we can chat genealogy and shared blood. In the meantime, she will most likely enjoy reading many of my blogs as they are about the HENRY family.

Happy New Year!

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